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We have lots of experience when it comes to hackathons and entrepreneurial thinking events for kids and young adults. Most humans are fascinated when they experience previously un-thought thoughts popping out of their brains and therefore this format works for more or less everyone – pre-teens, groups that do not share one native language, young adults who struggle with formal education.

What is a hackathon and what is Design Thinking?

Hackathons are common in the Startup ecosystem. Several teams develop business ideas. During that time, there are coaches, experts and pitch doctors around to support and inspire. A typical hackathon lasts a full weekend. The method for funneling creativity into a feasible product is Design Thinking.

Design Thinking is an agile practice and a process to develop customer-centric ideas. It is an industry standard for software development but not limited to that industry. Tech companies in Silicon Valley and the rest of the world follow these steps:

How do we do it?

Design Thinking activities small and large are Brigitte’s favourite thing and she will rarely miss a chance to use at least one of the typical tools when doing consulting projects. Wang Man and she also have plenty of experience for extreme out-of-the-box innovation with kids.

Impression from a Creative Writing workshop based on the IDEO method. The ability and willingness to empathize with other humans is more than an academic skill. It is an ability that will still be valued in the future – no matter what that is going to look like.

How does it work?

First, we need a compelling product idea. Our experience shows, that hackathons that have a “do-as-you-like-approach” have lame results. When the playing field is too narrow, like “How do we increase the profit/reach/customer satisfaction of this-and-that” lacks novelty to truly inspire participants. The UN sustainability goals never disappoint as a source of topics to chew on:

For instance, a hackathon can put “water” at the heart of the weekend-long activity. Based on this, one team might choose to work on an idea on how to limit the use of plastic water bottles. Another team might be carried away further and first think of water, then of flow and end up with a meditation app for teens.

Once this has been set, it is easy: Get a group of 20-40 people who are happy to stretch their brains for a long weekend. Organize rooms and some basic catering. We take care of the rest.

During a one-day Design Thinking Event organized by Ladies Who Tech, participants had the chance to bring their children. 

The hacking topic for this group was „What does a family need to be happy?“ One of the self-confident results was „Children Who Tech“.

Impressions from a 2-day hackaton in Tiblisi, Georgia where young adults wrapped-up their remenbrance and peace-keeping projects

What do you need?

  1. People: 30-40 participants is a good group size. They should be funny, open-minded and enjoy stretching their brains.
  2. Space: Teams can work in one room or in separate rooms and only convene for the first evening and the final pitch.
  3. Inspiration: Experts from the chosen industry, entrepreneurs, communication specialists etc. pop in for an hour or so and share their thoughts with the individual team. They do not give much specific advice but rather challenge the teams and help them to get to the next level of their business idea.
  4. Food: nutritious, tasty meals and snacks will fuel all this thinking and creating
  5. Optional: Give-aways with hackathon branding
  6. Optional: Prizes for the winners. This can be cash or access to consultancy services etc.

This means, a Design Thinking Hackathon can be organized very easily. Our team will bring all the materials, props and experience to make it a memorable event. There will be just one official winner but tons of personal growth and enhanced skills for the 21st century for all participants.

If are interested, let us discuss your basic product idea and audience. We would be pleased to organize a bespoke activity for you.

In case you are a non-profit, a school that caters to special needs, in general an organization with a big vision and a tiny budget, do not hesitate to contact us, either. We are more than happy to customize a pro-bono solution.

Once the Startup Magic wears off, teams need access to resources and guidance on how to perform as a team, work effectively and communicate well with stakeholders. Our service T_Incubate keeps the teams going as they learn and practice agile project management.

Let’s make something beautiful together.