True STeAM spirit.
When Wang Man and I were both employed at the German Chamber of Commerce in Beijing (that was like two decades ago), Wang Man regularly conducted Customer Satisfaction Surveys and that is when we both learned to ditch uneven scales because too often, respondents float to this wishy-washy middle ground, which is just not helpful if you want to learn where to improve.
An Agile Parent is an agile manager on Oxytocin
Brigitte Neumann
When we started practicing Agile Parenting, we simply took to our homes the mindset and methods that had worked well in this office. We had read books and articles about Design Thinking, SCRUM mastery and how to be a good Product Owner, e.g.
- The Professional Product Owner by Don McGreal and Ralph Jocham
- Nea Machina – die Kreativmaschine by Thomas and Martin Poschauko
- Management 3.0 by Jurgen Appelo
In a way, we love the flexibility and the lack of dogma of the agile world. At the same time, this can be frustrating due to this lack of metrics for our learning journey. We decided to change this and to create an Agile Parenting Self-Assessment. To keep it simple, this covers three categories. First, please reflect on how your family may perceive you as a parent. Secondly, think which values you get across. To wrap it up, ask yourself how you manage your family.
What makes this an agile parenting tool?
Once you have taken the assessment, think about areas where you would like to improve. Never stopping to learn and to evolve is a genuine driving force which is characteristic for the agile community.
Please drop us a note in the comments section how well you can relate to the result and where the assessment tool can do with improvements. This is an MVP and it would be great to make it more mature with your help.