Lapbook: Create a Mini-Book of Your Learning, Present Ideas in a Tangible and Attractive Way
Enjoy the estetic process of learning and sharing
Get started right now! We are collecting and developing stuff we find useful for our own agile family practice and are happy to share it with you. Some of the resources are just lovely artifacts to celebrate an agile lifestyle. This does not need to get too serious 😉. Have a look, try it out, adjust it to your needs.
Find products that are meant as great conversations starters - in the gym, at your mother-in-law's birthday party, when you are volonteering at school. Just patiently wait until the first person asks you what these words mean, then let curiosity work its magic. And don't judge.
Complete this assessment which is an Excel tool. To keep it simple, this covers three categories. First, please reflect on how your family may perceive you as a parent. Secondly, think which values you get across. To wrap it up, ask yourself how you manage your family.
Save one of these lovely designs as a background or screensaver on your mobile phone and feel reminded how great it can be to be an empowering, inspirational parent.
Do you practice agile and have ideas for more tools you would like to share on our blog? We would be thrilled to learn about them! Please do not hesitate and reach out.
Enjoy the estetic process of learning and sharing
Just as in IT projects, a kid’s tasks cannot be rated just by time they need to complete them. Complexity and “disgust-factor” also count.
You do not believe even kindergardeners can make use of this tool?
What does each of us want to experience? What is our budget? How do we make the most of all this?
Practice decision making an a leveled playing field
A team completes a task and reflects how to get better the next time.
© agileparenting, 2023